Snow Removal Safety

Snow Removal Safety

Snow removal is a necessity of living in the north. As a homeowner, you are required to remove snow and ice from your driveway and sidewalk. If someone slips on your property you will be liable for any injuries. Every year there are roughly 11,500 snow removal related...
Space Heater Safety

Space Heater Safety

Having a space heater is a great way to efficiently heat the rooms you use the most while cutting costs on your heating bill. However, there are some things you should know to safely use a space heater this season. How to buy the perfect space heater for your home...
10 Candle Safety Tips

10 Candle Safety Tips

Many people love to use and gift candles during the winter, 35% of candle sales happen during the Holiday season! They instantly make a room feel warm and cozy. However, candles can be dangerous if they are not used properly that is why understanding candle safety is...
Trick-Or-Treat Safety

Trick-Or-Treat Safety

The days of dressing up in an extravagant costume and going about my neighborhood to fill my bag up with sugary candy are long gone for me. I still recall how much fun it was getting all dressed up in my costume and going trick-or-treating with my brother and sister....
8 Fall Cleaning Tips

8 Fall Cleaning Tips

There is spring cleaning and then there is fall cleaning…spring cleaning is for opening up your home from the cold of winter and making your yard look beautiful for the up coming summer. Fall cleaning is for closing up your home and prepping it for the long...
5 Ways to Make Room for Your Fall Clothes

5 Ways to Make Room for Your Fall Clothes

Fall is quickly approaching (much faster than most hoped for) and that means new. fall. clothes! But, as you look longingly into your jam-packed closet of clothes you wonder, “How in the world will I ever fit my new fall clothes in this mess?”. Well, let me tell you...