
Energy-Saving Tips for the Winter

by | Jan 27, 2020 | tips, Winter

“Can I afford to raise the temperature two degrees, or should I just layer more clothes?” This question is one that many homeowners debate when it comes to dealing with expensive heating bills. While it may seem like you need to sacrifice your comfort to save money, there are many other alternatives to help you conserve energy without breaking the bank!


  1. Use thick curtains on your windows


If you have thicker curtains, use them to your benefit. Thicker, quilted curtains can help prevent a draft from coming in through your windows. This, in turn, should make your room feel warmer. Keep in mind that this tip is generally recommended at nighttime; this is because sunlight will help to warm your home during the day if your curtains are open.


  1. Invest in space heaters


While not recommended to leave on while you are out of the house, space heaters are a great alternative to heating smaller and generally enclosed areas of your home. The most cost-effective way to go about using space heaters in your home would be to decrease the main temperature on the thermostat in your home. This way there is less energy being released, less money being spent, with your home feeling essentially the same/warmer than it did before.


  1. Lower your water temperature


If you lower your maximum water setting to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, you’ll not only save money, but you wont burn yourself every time you wash your hands or take a shower.


  1. Find air leaks throughout your home


Finding and repairing air leaks throughout your home will prevent the heating in your home from going to waste. Potential leaks could occur in any unfinished locations in your home, through plumbing pipes, around your chimney, or through the recessed lights in your ceiling.


Be sure to understand how to maintain and repair any air leaks as soon as the issue becomes present. For information on weatherstripping and sealing air leaks around your home, visit the website below!


  1. Switch the rotation on your ceiling fan


Usually when you think about conserving heat within your home, you don’t automatically think to turn your ceiling fan on. Since hot air rises, the switched rotation of your fan allows the warm air to be pushed back down to you.


  1. Dress warm


Though this one may seem obvious, if you simply layer more clothing and possibly use a blanket more often, then there is no reason for your house to be so warm by itself. You’ll save a lot more money in the long-run if you just bundle up. Though it may be uncomfortable at times, especially when getting out of your warm bed in the morning, the money that you’ll save will be well worth it.


  1. Invest in quality area rugs


Not only are area rugs extremely comfortable (if chosen correctly), they help to insulate your floors and keep your feet warm as you walk by. They also help to cut down on the noise in your house as well as they absorb some of the sound.


  1. Do not block your air vents


If you keep turning the heat up in your house because you aren’t sure why its not getting warmer, be sure to make sure your vents aren’t covered. While furniture in a room may look nicer/fit better if you cover up the heating vent, this is not only a fire hazard, but you’re going to be spending more money on heating if you keep cranking it up.


Remember that turning up the thermostat the moment you feel too cold isn’t always the answer. By following these tips, we hope you’ll not only save money and energy, but feel warmer in the process. Good luck and stay warm!


Be sure to check out our latest article below for tips on how to stay motivated during the winter!

By R. Kubek